Wednesday, November 22, 2023


We had a wonderful week in 6th grade. Unfortunately, we did not have news reporters last week as we had our field trip to the Endangered Wolf Center on Friday, so all of your updates will be from Miss Dubberke. 

World Cup Stacking Day: Below, you will find pictures from World Cup Stacking Day. Around the world, schools were participating to break cup stacking records. It was so fun to see 6th grade come together as a whole and have some fun! Be sure to ask your students about their favorite part. Personally, I loved watching the relays.

Endangered Wolf Center: A big thank you again to all the parents that made this field trip possible. It was great to see all of the students so invested, asking questions, and seeing connections to what we learn in science out in the real world. See pictures below.

In this season of Thanksgiving, I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to teach all of your children. They have been such a blessing in my life, and find new ways to make me smile each and every day. I am thankful they have such wonderful parents that are invested in their educations! 


ADVENT: Services will be on November 29 at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. I look forward to seeing it all put together, they have done wonderful at practices! 

LAST FIELD TRIP OF 2023: I'm sure you have heard stories about our pen pals, as the students have had so much fun writing to our new friends. Their excitement when they get a letter is precious! We get the opportunity to meet our pen pals!! We will be going to Laclede Groves Senior Living Center to have some Christmas fun with our pen pals. The field trip is on November 15 from 12:30- 3 p.m. and we will be needing drivers. Please let me know if you are available to drive! 

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! 

Photos of the Week 11/13- 11/17


Sunday, November 12, 2023

Blog of the Week from Blake and Franklin + Updates!

Quarter.2 Week 3

 The News Cruise Report

By: Franklin & Blake

This week was full of fun activities. This week in religion we learned about the 4 Solas and also had a quiz about Martin Luther. In social studies we are starting a postcard project. You choose a place in North America and make a postcard as if you actually went there.In g math we are learning about complex figures and doing them in khan academy. But in T math we are learning to find the areas of 3D shapes and how to solve them.In english we had a fun english friday and played a game.In Lit we finished our Among the Hidden book and have now started on our project to add to the story.In science we are looking at invasive species and energy.We are digging deeper into why and how this works and happens. In art we finished up optical illusion art and started our Christmas art on a canvas.

And that's all for this week folks stay tuned

Quick Reminders:

  • Sun 11/12     Please complete book orders (I can place another order in early Dec. but want to guarantee delivery before Christmas break)
  • Wed. 11/15  Thanksgiving Food Drive
    • 11/15   TJ Order Pick Up 3-5 p.m.
  • Fri.  11/17     Wolf Sanctuary Field Trip
    • Dress: Red Zion shirt, jeans, jacket/hoodie
    • 8:15-11:30  - back before lunch 
  • NO SCHOOL Nov. 20-24 Happy Thanksgiving! 
  • 5/6 Advent Service Wed. Nov. 29  10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.


Sunday, November 5, 2023


Rocket Launch!


Gracelyn + Arian Report of the Week + Updates!!

                       Today is Friday November 3rd. Today the 8th graders launched the rocket launch at 9:30 am that we watched today. The whole 6th grade was practicing our advent songs and plays throughout this whole week. We started a new unit in English, and started a new art piece where we made optical illusions. In literature we started reading a new book called ‘’Among the Hidden’. In the book it's illegal to have a 3rd child and a family is keeping him a secret. That's all for this week, see you next week!


Veteran's Day Service 

Zion will be hosting a Veteran's day Chapel service on Friday, November 10 beginning at 8:15 a.m. Any Veterans are welcome to attend this service, please invite the special Veterans in your lives. 

Field Trip: Forms are due on Tuesday. Please let me know if you are interested in driving. 

Seeking Library Volunteers

Looking to help out once a month?  Grandma or Grandpa want to pitch in?  The sixth grade library time slots need filling.  Duties include checking in/out books with a simple bar code scanner, shelving books, and embarassing your child by giving them a big kiss in front of their friends. (jk)  Contact Abbey Wagoner if you would like to sign up.  

6R Mondays 10:30-11:00

6D Thursdaya 2:15-2:40

World Cup Stacking Days

Dear Parents,


I am excited about the Sport Stacking unit we are currently doing in PE.  Sport Stacking is an exciting sport where students stack and unstack 12-specially designed cups (Speed Stacks) in specific patterns. Sport Stacking uses both sides of the body and brain developing important athletic and academic skills. For more information go to (Learn to Stack). 


Zion will be participating in the World Sport Stacking Days where we will attempt to help set a new world record for the most people sport stacking at various locations. The current record which we helped to set last year is 737,863. It would be very helpful to have parent volunteers on the following days:


Tuesday, Nov. 14

            8:10-9:00am- 4J and 4M

            9:10-10:00am- 3F and 3S

            10:25-11:08am- 6D and 6R

            12:10-1:00pm- 1B and 1K

            1:25-2:05pm- 8CS

            2:05-2:50- 8JS


Wednesday, Nov. 15

            8:05-8:35am- KR

            8:35-9:05am- KA 

            9:10-10:10am- 5C and 5S

            12:10-1:00pm- 2F and 2R

            1:25-2:05pm- 7C



I have a limited supply of Speed Stacks Sets and Gen 5 Timers available for purchase at discounted prices and without shipping fees. 

·      12 Speed Stack Cups- $22.00

·      Gen 5 Timer, stack mat, and gear bag-$32.00

·      The combo pack (my favorite)-12 Speed Stack Cups, Gen 5 Timer, stack mat, and gear bag- $50.00


Cash or check (made out to Zion Lutheran School) payment should be brought directly to me, or please email me with questions or to place a “secret” order. 



Mrs. Steinbacher


Field Trip Fun!

  May 6-10  Best Choice  (Repeat article) In May, we welcome an educator from  Best Choice  to lead our Religion classes.  Through this pro...