Monday, April 22, 2024

News for the week of 4/18


Permission slips came home on Friday for:

May 3  MO Veterans/Lutheran Heritage field trip (White permission slip)

     Please include the medical form, even for Tylenol or Ibuprofen as it is a longer day.

     If your child gets carsick, remember appropriate medicine.

May 6-10  Best Choice:  TAN PERMISSION SLIP

In May, we welcome an educator from Best Choice to lead our Religion classes.  Through this program, students will be involved in active discussions about setting goals, healthy relationships, puberty, and making God-pleasing decisions. The Best Choice program is designed to encourage children to make lifelong commitments to building relationships, making informed choices, choosing abstinence before marriage, and avoiding risky behaviors.


Miss Dubberke and I will participate in the classes and continue follow up discussions.  Look for the tan permission slip that came home Friday.  Please return by Tuesday. 


To help you prepare for discussions with your child at home, here are the topics Best Choice has used in the past.   During the week of lessons, I will update you daily with our discussions.  Classes start Monday, May 3 for 4 lessons (not Wednesday).  I pray that you use these as opportunities to open the dialogue with your child and share your values with them.  Research shows parents are still the number one influence on their teens!  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

**Goals, Risky Behaviors, and Decision Making

** Respect, Friendships, and Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships, Refusal Skills

**Male/Female Puberty  

**Media Influence, Emotional Consequences, Boundaries, and Avoidance Techniques 

**Recognizing Your Value and Shaping Your Future by Making Positive Choices 


From the Class Bloggers: Steph & Will

News Report

On Monday we had gym class and we played a net game. We had lots of achievement testing this week, and it was very hard. On Tuesday we played our computer science game, and it was a lot of fun. On Wednesday we had chapel and then gym and we did free time in the gym. On Thursday we played more computer science games with the other class. Now, on Friday we had a field trip and went to visit our pen pals and cleaned up the riverfront.

From Miss D:

We had a fantastic day of service on Friday! I love watching the students interact with their pen pals. While I know it pushes some students out of their comfort zones, it makes some of their penpal's weeks! It is teaching them great communication and empathy skills to utilize in the future. Then, we went to the riverfront and were able to pick up and clean up some of God's beautiful creation. Have a blessed week! 

Please enjoy photos from our field trips, along with our poetry slam with 4th grade!

News for the week of 4/18

   NEWS Permission slips came home on Friday for : May 3  MO Veterans/Lutheran Heritage field trip   (White permission slip)      Please inc...